Monday, February 27, 2012

those dang hawks....

      Well, after an afternoon of fun in the sun and rain then snow...I gathered the girls up and put them in the coop, only counted 8 out of 9.  I looked for a short spell but resigned to the thought that the cougar finally got sally my weakest little black and white marshmallow....she is so sweet and the only reason she is alive is cause I baby her to death....she eats small bits, isn't aggressive and is the lightest and smallest of all my girls.....   

     I went in to tackle homework for a couple hours but then couldn't resist to take my umbrella in the rain and look for Sally again.  I was all over the property looking for places where she might be hiding.  I finally found her standing as still as a statue in a pile of poop and smashed up against the front  front door of our neighbor's house. The neighbors informed me that she had dodged a hungry hawk and was too frightened to move for the last 3 hours.  

I was relieved to find her and stuck her back in the coop.  I guess it will be a challenge to keep them all alive in the next coming years, but it's worth it.  

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Close to Finals about 4 more weeks

As I suspected I am unable to play with my girls much, or give them much attention these days.  

     Chemistry is tough and making me crazy...LOL When I get home it's usually dark so I go in with a small snack (for them of course, usually bread crust or pasta, ohh those carbs drive them insane LOL) and pick up the coop a bit (since it's usually a disaster from being locked up all day) and sit in my red plastic baby Adirondack chair (they love the color red) with a furry blanket on my lap (too keep their dirty feet from wrecking my clothes) and give them attention until they all fall into a calm, comatose like state ...which means they are ready to call it a night.

    I'm always curiously observing they're behavior, which I find so entertaining and calming. Just as they fall into the evening trance state (I’ll call it that) they are most approachable and actually like to be held and pampered a bit. Like a state we fall into after a good massage....they become limp like and docile. Sometimes they even create a gurgling low chirping purr noise.  This unusual, yet very melodic sound, is generated when they get really comfortable and cozy, like a cat purring on your lap.

     This is the time I usually say "nighty night." Just as I leave the coop, I take one last look at all of them on perches looking like, "puffed up marshmallows." and smile.  Even, the skinny white leghorns look like large puffy balls with their necks turned back around and tucked into themselves, looking like headless horseman. I will have to take some photos or video clips of them in this state and post them next time I'm on my blog. I know pictures are way more entertaining than my "blathering on about their antics."

     Hope you’re all well and if you have Hens hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Stay tunned  for more photos and video clips....I promise :)